Scientometric Portrait of the Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research based on Papers Published during 2001–2020
This study is carried out to understand dynamics of the journal using scientometric indicators. In this regard an analysis of 2,623 records published in Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research during 2001–2020 found that the share of articles published was highest (90%) followed by reviews (5%) and proceeding papers (1.9%). The chronological pattern of output indicates that the number of papers published declined after 2011. The total output was contributed by 47 countries located in different parts of the globe. Of these, India contributed about 38% papers followed by Turkey and China. Among all the prolific countries, Portugal had the highest value of Citation per Paper (CPP). The share of papers not cited (PnC) was highest for Saudi Arabia. Among the highly productive institutions, Anna University (Chennai) topped the list with 99 papers. Among the 26 highly productive institutions, CPP is highest (25.7) for CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute (Chennai). Highest share of PnC was for Andhra University. Most of the highly productive authors were located at highly productive institutions. Among the prolific authors, highest value of CPP was for P Vasudevan of the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Pattern of citation indicates that about 18% papers were not cited and 2% papers were cited more than 50 times. Of the 14 most cited papers, three papers were contributed by authors from Taiwan (2) and Portugal (1) and remaining 11 papers were contributed by Indian authors. Four highly cited papers were written in domestic collaboration and one in international collaboration. Highest share of papers published in the journal are multi-authored.
Bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Citation indicators, JSIR
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