Energy requirements of self dependent India and contribution of thorium: A review

pathak, hemant


India entered the nuclear age on August 4, 1956 by commissioning the first nuclear reactor Apsara. Nuclear reactors became research platforms for the study of the behavior of substances under neutron physics and radiation, and for radioisotope production. Atomic energy has a definite and decisive role in the field of Indian power generation and supply.

Thorium is the first element in the metal actinide series. Monazite is its most important source; the largest reserves of monazite in the world are in the state of Kerala, India. India has one fourth of the known thorium reserves, the whole world is struggling with the possibility of future energy crisis, and India’s energy needs are also increasing day by day with a population of 130 billion.

Much of the country's currency is spent on the import of conventional fuels, yet technology has not been developed by which the energy needs can be fully met from the renewable energy sources. In such a situation, thorium is the only ray of hope for the country like India that can successfully meet the energy, nuclear and non-nuclear needs of the country.


Nuclear reactor; Thorium; Monazite


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