An experimental study on the growth performance, surface morphology
and therapeutic properties of unique medicinal rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces of Tamil Nadu
A field experiment was carried out in the wetland farm of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during Samba (Aug 2014 to Jan 2015) seasons with an objective to study surface morphology and growth performance of medicinal rice varieties in western zone of Tamil Nadu under irrigated rice ecosystem. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block design with five replications. The treatment consist of three medicinal rice varieties and one high yielding variety of Tamil Nadu viz., Red kavuni, Black Kavuni and Njavara and CO(R)50. The observations were recorded on growth parameters like plant height, tillers, dry matter production and the physiological parameters like Leaf Area Index, Crop growth rate, Relative growth rate and Net assimilation rate. The yield attributes like Productive tillers m-2, total spikelet, filled grains, unfilled grains, thousand grain weight, grain yield and straw yield were recorded at the time of harvest. Physical, cooking quality, Bio chemical parameters like amylose per cent, total phenol content, total protein and β - carotene was also recorded. The surface morphology of the grain and husk shape and appearance were also studied and examined under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The study concludes that among the medicinal rice varieties, Red Kavuni recorded enhanced growth characters and yield attributes as compared to Black Kavuni and Njavara. Black Kavuni recorded higher amyloses per cent, total phenol content, total protein content and β – carotene when compared to other varieties.
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